Caen à la sauce Orelsan
Cette visite insolite vous emmène à la découverte de la ville de Caen d'une manière originale en explorant l'univers d'Orelsan.
Le circuit fait la part belle aux cultures urbaines et propose d'arpenter la ville en allant sur des lieux qui sont liés au parcours personnel ou artistique de l'artiste. Derrière chacun de ces lieux se cache aussi un pan de l'histoire caennaise que je vous invite à découvrir. Le collège Henri Brunet, par exemple, dont son père fut principal est bâti sur à l'emplacement d'une ancienne clinique détruite lors des bombardements de l'été 1944. Le quartier de la Presqu'île, ancienne zone industrialo-portuaire, abrite la salle du Cargö où il fit sa première scène, ainsi que la fresque monumentale réalisée par les artistes Solice et Horss. Autant de lieux qui sont évoqués dans ses textes, et dont différents streetartistes se sont emparés pour y placer des œuvres inspirées de l'univers d'Orelsan. Une visite insolite à faire entre amis, en famille et à finir autour d'un kebab... Sauce magique beau gosse !

Wine tour in Normandy
In the heart of the Pays d'Auge, land of apple, Calvados and cider, I suggest a visit and an unusual discovery: that of a vineyard established in the Normandy countryside! And yet, as surprising as it may seem, the vine has found a fabulous terroir of expression here. The owner will welcome us before we set off to explore the vineyard, its special features and the different grape varieties that make it up. At the end of the visit, we will return to the cellar for a tasting with the owner. To complete our discovery of the surroundings, I suggest you to visit the abbey of Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives and the famous XVth century halls where a renowned market is held every Monday morning. Finally, I invite you to come and discover a little-known yet exceptional church which houses some of the oldest frescoes in Normandy.

Camembert manufacturing
It is impossible not to mention the Camembert when speaking of Normandy. If the production of this jewel of the gastronomic heritage is today 95% industrial, there are 3 irreducible farm producers in Normandy, including the farm that I suggest you discover. This 100% organic farm is located halfway between Caen and Mont-Saint-Michel. We discover a breeding grounded in the soil and respectful of the environment: all the dairy cows are of Norman race, and they are only fed with fresh grass and hay. We will be able to discover on the spot the processing of milk and the manufacture of the only farmer camembert produced in Calvados. The milk, processed on site also makes it possible to obtain other delicious products: cream, cottage cheese, ice cream, butter, yogurts, available at the store. "I bought one of your raw milk camembert today and it's been many years since I had eaten such good cheese, I find the authentic taste of the farm again. I'm really happy with having found a place where I can reconnect with a terroir that knows how to produce excellent things. "